May 8, 2024

Gregory Larkin, Founder & CEO of Punks & Pinstripes - The Business Punk's Guide to Transformation

Gregory Larkin, Founder & CEO of Punks & Pinstripes - The Business Punk's Guide to Transformation

In this episode, Shannon Lucas, co-CEO of Catalyst Constellations, speaks with corporate punk rocker, Greg Larkin, known as the "Anthony Bourdain of Business" and founder and CEO of Punks and Pinstripes. Like Anthony Bourdain, Greg keeps it real as he authentically shares his story about moving up the career ladder while worrying about losing his true punk rock self. Greg talks about his belief in the importance of "business punks" in driving change, especially during crucial moments of disruption or organizational crisis. He shares how his amazing track record of success was based partly on the ability to pitch outcomes rather than ideas or visions. He explores strategies for navigating and overcoming the corporate immune response system, based on some hard learned lessons. Greg outlines exit strategies for those who find themselves as catalysts in environments resistant to change, including walled gardens, bear hugs, spin-offs, leaving, and transforming from within. He critiques "state-sanctioned" innovation efforts as often being mere lip service and stresses the importance of genuine empowerment and support for Catalysts. You won't want to miss this real, raw conversation.

Original music by ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Lynz Floren⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.