April 26, 2024

Leading Change - It's Not About You - Ritu Kapur

Leading Change - It's Not About You - Ritu Kapur

In this episode, we hear from Ritu Kapur, Head of Digital Biomarkers at Verily. The theme throughout our conversation is about the need, skills, and support required to bring people along on the journey to manifest our vision. She shares, It's ont about the technology or innovation, creating change is all about people. Her advice to up and coming Catalyst? "It's not all about you!" Early on in our careers, especially for women in more technical industries, Catalysts have the feeling that we have to prove our worth and impact all the time. But at some point in your career, you realize that you can't create change all alone. You have to bring people along on the journey. So being able to identify shared value and help others shine is a great way to realize your vision. While, at the same time, as we grow our leadership capabilities, it's about letting those around you that you've been cultivating, to stand in their own power, giving them the chance to succeed or learn new lessons. It's about not overfunctioning for those around us, while letting them flourish. Original music by ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Lynz Floren⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.