Oct. 25, 2023

Intentionality is a Double Edged Sword - Calvin Hosey

Intentionality is a Double Edged Sword - Calvin Hosey

Calvin Hosey, Head of Ops and Payment Partnerships at Regpack, shares his hard-won lessons about building out diverse teams. Data tells us that diverse teams drive better outcomes. But at one point his career, Calvin was too focused on demographics, but not enough on other attributes. "I got a diverse team but not a high performing team." So Calvin pivoted to establish a process that can be a gateway to diversity rather than chasing it explicitly. He stopped looking at people's names, and colleges, and rather looks at the idea of the person - using the resume to present who they are. Calvin shares that you need to remove the person as a first step and instead focus on core competency fit. Once you've identified the candidates that have all the necessary core competencies, then you move to the next step of trying to identify if they're going to work with your team. He uses culture and fit to be a final determinant, ensuring that every candidate speaks with multiple team members as well as at least one other executive outside his organization, to ensure a good cultural fit. Original music by ⁠Lynz Floren⁠.