Aug. 5, 2023

If We Don’t Love the Journey, Why Are We Doing It? - Whynde Kuehn

If We Don’t Love the Journey, Why Are We Doing It? - Whynde Kuehn

Our podcast guest Whynde Kuehn brings a piquing frame to Catalysts - while we set big, hairy goals, we spend most of our time on the journey to achieve those goals. And yet many of us suffer through resistance and burnout on that path. As an ultramarathoner and mountaineer Whynde sees her most important catalytic skill as 'taking a journey'. While climbing Aconcagua she spent only 0.12% of the time on the summit, while 99.88% was the journey to get there and back down. In this podcast she helps us understand how to love the journey, as much as the summit!

Find out more about her consultancy and check out her book.

Original music by Lynz Floren.