Aug. 19, 2022

Changing Society by Catalyzing Others - Mai Vang

Changing Society by Catalyzing Others - Mai Vang

Join us for an interview with Mai Vang, who is a City Council Member for the City of Sacramento. Mai identifies the biggest challenges to be solved and catalyzes the community to make big changes happen. She was the eldest of 16 kids and learned young the power of enlisting others to distribute work. In her work as a councilwoman she tackles the biggest issues by identifying the right groups & organizations to be part of creating the solution. Often there are misunderstandings between those groups, so she has to take the time to help them see the bigger landscape. As a Catalyst that moves "hella fast" she knows it is important to keep the purpose of what needs to be achieved at the forefront so she doesn't lose people. Her call to action: self-care, because we need every single one of you!!

Original music by Lynz Floren.