July 21, 2023

Accelerating Change with Better Time Management - Sara Fenske Bahat

Accelerating Change with Better Time Management - Sara Fenske Bahat

Join us for an interview with Sara Fenske Bahat, who is CEO at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. As Sara took her interim role as CEO of the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, an employee asked her “Why should I invest in someone who is only here as interim CEO?”

In this episode, Sara talks about the opportunities around coming in as an interim CEO and how she has chosen to focus on creating a culture of care for the leadership team and organization. She says it is about creating a culture that can move at the speed of trust. It means the staff, board, and community are empowered to be primary, active collaborators in the shaping and evolution of their organization.

Check out YBCA events calendar.

Original music by Lynz Floren.